Oblivion Imperial Legion Armor

2020. 1. 23. 23:21카테고리 없음

Oblivion Imperial Legion Armor Armor
  1. Imperial Legion Armor
  2. Oblivion Imperial Legion Armor Build

Imperial Legion Armor

Jul 15, 2012 - This simple collection focuses on 'The Fourth Imperial Legion of Skyrim'.Those of you out there who think that Skyrim belongs to the Empire,. Imperial Legion Armor Variety-By Person Numbered 275 Regarding compatibility: It has been noted that compatibility issues that arise may be solved by placing this mod nearer to the bottom of the load order.

Oblivion Imperial Legion Armor Build

Page Tools.After completing the Main Quest, talk with High Chancellor Ocato and ask him all he knows. He'll tell you that as a reward, you are to be named a Champion and will have a suit of Imperial Dragon armor made for you. Go pick it up in the Imperial Legion Compound in two weeks. When your journal updates, go to the prison and look for the nearby Armory. Inside you can pick up the Imperial Dragon armor, though if you waited to complete the main quest, you'll find that it isn't even very good. All it does is minor resistance to various effects.

Oblivion Imperial Legion Armor